Exchange House Ireland host the annual National Education Achievement Awards for members of the Traveller community on an annual basis.
This Award is presented to Travellers from the 32 counties of Ireland, who had recently completed one of the following, Junior Certificate, Leaving Certificate, QQI major level 3/6, Special purpose award, GCSE, A Levels BA, Post Grads, Masters and PHD. The families, friends, Teachers, and others who has supported them in their education Accompanying the recipients to the event.
Exchange House National Traveller Services hosts this annual event to congratulate the recipients of the award, what they have achieved is valued and applauded. The Award also highlights the increasing uptake in Traveller people accessing formal education. They are role models for other Travellers, who are engaged in, or are considering returning to, formal education while portraying positive images of the Traveller community.
We consider it important to celebrate education which is essential to the future of the recipients of the award and to the Traveller community. Accessing education is providing them the opportunity to build for their future, that of their community and society in general. There are lots of positive things happening in the Traveller community, but they tend to go unnoticed outside the community. The Exchange House National Educational Achievement Awards provides Traveller people, who have worked hard to achieve success, the opportunity to step into the spotlight and be applauded. One of the young people who attended the event said, “A child without education is like a bird without wings”. Another said, “Education is very important, it’s like a key, the more you know, the more doors that open”.
There are still challenges facing Travellers today, these young people face many challenges in life. They experience a lot of discrimination and criticism in life that stems from the ignorance of others. But the Awards event is one of celebration and success, where people’s achievements are acknowledged. They are understood for who they are and what they have to offer, people with potential.
The Exchange House National Educational Achievement Award is a celebration of the success of the recipients providing a chance to congratulate people. The event is a chance for proud parents and teachers to celebrate with students in recognition of their hard work. It was a fun-filled, event and all nominees who attend on the night were included in a raffle, with many fantastic prizes including a laptop, 6 mobile phones and 4 €50 vouchers. This is a fun way to end the event for the recipients and some lucky people go home with great prizes.
Exchange House Ireland is privileged to host the National Education Achievement Awards for members of the Traveller community over 14 years. 2021, 2022 and 2023 awards have been generously supported by Public Jobs. Public Jobs support has enabled us to host a wonderful event of celebration for the recipients of the Education Awards. It is important that we celebrate achievements in education, to support the recipients and promote the value of formal education. The award’s continuing success is also thanks to the recipients, their families, teachers and all who support them in their education, who continue to come and help us to celebrate with them their educational achievement.